Thornhill Nursery School & Kindergarten
Our Nursery program is designed for children ages 2.5 to 4. The child-to-teacher ratio in our Nursery class is 8:1.

Nursery Programs

Morning Programs
2, 3 or 5 days
Morning Only Sessions
9:00 to 12:00

Full Day Programs
2, 3 or 5 days
Full Day Program
9:00 to 3:00
Optional (Additional Fee)
Extended care offered a.m. ( 7:30 to 9 a.m.) and/or (3 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
Daily Activities
The nursery curriculum encompasses arts and crafts, cognitive activities, fine and gross motor development, music and movement, an introduction to French, sensory activities and daily calendar and story time. The children go outside to our adjacent fenced-in playground daily (weather permitting).
Each classroom has one table devoted to teacher-directed activities, and all the children have an opportunity to participate in these activities on a one-to-one basis. Activities are modified to each child’s unique needs and strengths. While the teacher is working one-on-one with the students, the second teacher in the classroom facilitates opportunities for free play choices, independent play and social interaction.
The materials available to the children at the various centres are changed daily to provide a stimulating and exciting environment. Theme-based learning materials are introduced and the children are encouraged to explore and discover independently.
Self-help skills are strongly promoted and the children are encouraged to complete tasks by themselves. Even the youngest of students are able to dress themselves for outdoor play by the end of the winter season.
Monthly newsletters and calendars are distributed at the beginning of each month outlining upcoming events and important dates to remember.
A healthy morning snack will be provided to all nursery students and full day students will also receive lunch.
Learning Cycle
The children participate in two learning circles throughout the half-day program. One is a theme-based circle that uses games, songs and interactive activities to engage children in learning. During this circle, the children participate in calendar and weather activities, and French is introduced. At the beginning of each week, a letter of the alphabet is taught, and follow-up activities are set up at the cognitive table. Once a month, a show-and-tell circle is scheduled, and the children bring in a theme-related item to share with their friends. The other circle time is for story and music that occurs prior to outdoor play.

If you have any question about Nursery Program, please contact us!

Outdoor Play
Outdoor play is an important part of our program, and the children go outside, weather permitting, every day, even in the winter. There is a climber and truck for the children to explore and various ride-on toys. In the winter, we have shovels and sleds, and in the fall, rakes to help us gather the leaves. Sometimes, the children go on nature walks in the parkland adjacent to our property. On days when it is raining or too cold to venture outside, we engage the children in indoor gross motor activities.